Sunday, January 24, 2010


Another year closer to 40 today!!!
Having a wonderful day, so far!
Kathryn. XX


jenni_sal said...

Happy Birthday Kathryn, have a lovely
day. 40 is not that bad, it's the new 30 remember! sal

Anonymous said...

still young ,,its only 40 the number...whats really counts enjoy every minutes of ur breath.......happy birthday

mamas collection said...

Have a Wonderful Day! Personally, I usually claim the Whole Month! More's the better!

bubbachenille said...

Happy Birthday to you !

thornberry said...

Happy Birthday to you Kathryn you spring chicken! I hope that you have an absolute ball.

Jan said...

There's no help for it, Kathryn, so just go on and enjoy it. And after all, you're still a young 'un! Hope you are having a fabulous day and being treated to all sorts of good things.

The Pink Poodle said...

happy birthday you SPRING chicken!!

xx andrea

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! Here's hoping you're having an absolutely fabulous day!

I've actually heard that 40 is the new 20! ;)

Kate said...

Hapy Birthday

CurlyPops said...

WooHoo! Happy Birthday Kathryn. Hope you're having a very fabulous day.

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Hey Ms Shabby You keot that one under your hat!
You know you will have to change your "ABOUT ME" blurb when the big 4-0 hits!!!
Have a great day and enjoy!
Bet those three boys o yours are spoiling you crazy!

Deb said...

Many happy birthday wishes Kathryn.
You're still such a young pup and have some wonderful years ahead. The forties are such fun when you do hit them. For me I am hoping the fifties are going to be better!!

marie said...

Happy Birthday Kathryn! I wish I was another year closer to forty!

Jenny's Place Online said...

Happy Birthday Kathryn. 40? I wouldn't start counting your birthdays backwards for a few years yet ha ha. Jenny

S said...


I hope you have the most wonderful day!

Lv Siobhan xo

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday , really and truly 40s are pretty good !

Tulip~Rose Quilt Shoppe said...

Wishing you a "Happy Birthday" Kathryn!!....
hope you had a fabulous and relaxing day!!

Jodie said...

I hope it has been a wonderful day Shabby ....

manda said...

Today was my Grandfather's birthday too! That means I'll never forget yours now!!!
Hope you had a fabulous day!!! And don't forget how lucky you are. Some people never make it to 30..

ittybittyandpretty said...

eeeepp dont remind me...i am 38 this year, it just sounds so wrong! i am sure you havent a wrinkle on your face or a grey hair in sight :)
enjoy the cake my friend

Anonymous said...


Wait till' you are like me, nearly 60!! Ahhhh!... Life is good!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kathryn!
May all of your dreams & wishes come true.
Sarah x

OliveStreetStudio said...

The first year past goes WAY too fast! It ain't that bad....


Lindi said...

Happy Birthday! 40 is the new 20, didn't you know? :)

mariondee-designs said...

Hi Kathryn, hope you're having a great day! Remember you're only as old as you want to be! take care, Maryann

Anonymous said...
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Annie said...

Happy Birthday Shabs - hope it's still going well.

NoƩmia said...

I'm sorry to come so late but Happy 40 Birthday of all my heart !:)

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

With age comes wisdom Kathryn so it aint all bad.
Hope you had a wonderful day.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne