Monday, September 1, 2008

The smell of Spring and lavender

It is the first day of Spring here in Australia - Yippee!
Mind you, it is still freezing cold where I live and any sign of warmer weather is way down the track.
But, the gardens will start to show at their best and I will have to get out into the garden and actually do some gardening. For anyone who doesn't know me well....I hate gardening. My Mum, Grandmother and Great-Grandmother all have/had very green thumbs and I think I missed out. Perhaps when we have built our new home and we have planted our "own" garden I will feel differently?? Let's hope so.
Anyway, some lavender in my cupboard was beckoning. So, I made some sachets for Our Shabby Cottage each one filled with 3 cups of lavender! Yum.

These two (above and below) are made with Mary Rose 13.
(Click on the photos to have better look)

They smell beautiful!

"Faded Flowers" by Cath Kidston. I love the vintage feel of this fabric.
I hope everyone had a great weekend.


marie said...

Your sachets are so pretty! Actually everything at your website is! Your blog is very pretty too ~ quite the contrast to my black one!!

I think the season changes are so wonderful. Especially the winter to spring and the summer to fall... probably because spring and fall are my favorite seasons. We've had a fairly mild summer here in Maryland, USA ~ but I'm still really looking forward to some brisk fall days with leaves blowing everywhere! I can hardly wait!

Enjoy all the little hints that your springtime is on it's way!

Have a wonderful week.

Brittany said...

Wow!! I love all your sachets! You have such a beautiful blog!! Shannon's such a sweetie isn't she?? So glad she introduced us!

Thanks so much for stopping by my give away!! Of course you're entered! I do hope you'll drop in to visit w/me again!!

BTW, it's starting to cool off here in NC, USA. Ummm..maybe I should head down your way since you guys will be warming up and I'll be FREEZING??!!

S said...

Hi Kathryn, will have to share some pics of your new home with us all...I would love to see!

Your creations are so beautiful!


Kingswood Food and Craft Market said...

Ok girlie i see many things happening here that i really need to buy. LOL.

Just emailed you *wink*


A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Love your generous sized lavender sachets - wish I could smell them - they look gorgeous!!

Lucy Bloom said...

Hi Kathryn, thanks for stopping by my blog - nice to meet you! Your lavender sachets are just beatiful, funny to think we are going into autumn here, the flowers in the garden are finishing now. I'm like you, I don't much care for gardening, I just like it to look pretty!
Have a good day!!
Lucy x

rachelmp said...

You must have so much pretty fabric! These are just lovely Kathryn

Natasha Burns said...

Wow they are gorgeous lavender sachets! Isn't spring wonderful!!!