Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My apologies folks.....

For my absenteeism last week.
I swooned over the "Twilight" books all week and have watched the movie again TWICE!
I cannot tell you what Rob Pattinson has done to me, it would be very rude!

This week, however, I have to get back on board my normal routine.
The magazine hits news stands tomorrow and I am not sure what will happen.....?

So, I have made a few more dolls and I will be making some cushions today to re-stock the website. Unfortunately it has taken a back seat over the last few months.

O.K. ....back to it! Kathryn. XX


S said...

Hi Kathryn, Please do tell us what Rob Pattinson has done to you lol!!! It is pretty addictive isnt it?
I love your creations!!! Good luck, hope they sell like hotcakes :)
Siobhan x

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Wooo hoooo how exciting!
Will have to get a copy when I get to town,No where local here sells Craft mags,Downside to being rural I guess.

I have'nt been into the twilight thing as yet.
Glad you are enjoying it all.
P.s The paperwork arrived today!

10 Minute Crafter said...

I feel that way about Taylor Lautner!! Twilight is way too addictive..

Your dolls are adorable, i will definetly have to get the magazine. Congratulations by the way!!

Sheryn xoxo

Kate said...

Congrats on the feature - just got my copy!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I must be the only one on this planet that is not into Twilight....sorry girls! Mind you my weakness is Sex & The City.
Congratulations on your feature in Homespun I will have to check it out on my coffee break tomorrow.
Sarah x

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Hope you are rushed off your feet with orders Kathryn.
Your dolls are very cute.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne

Anonymous said...

Hope you orders are over-the-top!! Just love the dolls...they are adorable!! Good Luck!!
Take Care....
Love Ya',

Nikki said...

Wel done on the article - shall look out for a copy so I can tell people "I know her".... Hope it brings good things your way.

Unknown said...

No more reading for a while you'll be catching up on heaps of orders .

Unknown said...

What a cute post! Yes, do tell us what he's done for you! LOL!

Congrats on the magazine thing! I hope that you are able to keep up with all the orders afterwards! :)

julia said...

I love your dolls!

SG said...

Gorgeous dolls!
Congrats again!

marie said...

I'm going to find myself a copy of that magazine! Will you autograph it if I do?!! : )

Re: Twilight....My daughter loves everything and everyone about it. Me? I don't get it? ; )

picklesticks said...

Your quilt looks fabulous in the magazine! Congrats!