Saturday, March 6, 2010

A bit boring this week....

Where on earth did this week go?
I have been painting for most of the week; window frames and walls, yes more painting.
Will it ever end?
In between painting I did make some new covers for this rocker chair that my dad made when I was pregnant with baby no.1.
My Mum made these covers.....about 10 years ago.
Mmm, I decided that they had to go.....
And here it is, revamped with lovely new linen covers.
I hope your week was not as boring as mine!
Have a great weekend, Kathryn. XX


S said...

Your rocking chair looks fab with your new fabric! Well done.

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Boring it may have bneen Ms K but I bet it was productive!
Hmmmm....Painting eh? Oh How I hate it! With a passion!
You have a very clever set of Parents.

Anonymous said...

I love redo's. Just as pretty now as it was before. Well done! I love your rocking chair... brava to pops!! Tammy

Nikki said...

It looks like a new chair! ANd more fun than painting...?

ittybittyandpretty said...

i love boring weeks!! i had two no spend days and possibly today will be one as well. i made a few little things last night which gave me pleasure and has spurred me on to keep making more.
love the revamp, everything you do looks perfect :)

marie said...

I think the chair looks wonderful in it's new covering! The pillow and the beautiful blue throw are perfect touches!

Running Thread said...

love the new look!

Carol said...

Just wanted to thank you for my gift. I simply can't thank you enough Kathryn. You are just so generous.

Carol :)

{oc cottage} said...

That looks so crisp & nice! Love it!

m ^..^

AMIT said...

Some times we feel boring.

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