Thursday, February 21, 2013

Clearing out and Up-cycling.....

I'm having a HUGE clearout of my wardrobe (GASP!) because tomorrow we are finally having our fitted wardrobes installed in our Walk in Robe! I have been living out of those red, blue and white stripey bags for 3 years and am well and truly over it. I'm sure I won't know myself by tomorrow night, being able to see everything and put it in its place.

Anyway, whilst clearing out I came across my Burberry scarf that I bought on ebay years ago. When I bought it I thought it was an absolute bargain at 11 pounds, then when I opened the package I realised had little moth holes through the middle which the seller neglected to disclose in the listing. Poop.
 I have been reluctant to wear it because of this so decided to do something a bit radical.......
I turned it into a cushion!!!  I cut out the middle, sewed it, stuffed it, et voila!

It will be a nice addition to our bedroom which is this shade of blue, how perfect is that!
What have you up-cycled lately?
Kathryn. xx

1 comment:

Annie said...

That's perfect Kathryn! Enjoy those robes. You are a very patient pussy cat!