Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Back to it....

My task for today is painting our two downstairs bathrooms. We are finally having our shower screens installed on Thursday so it dawned on me last week that we had better finish painting the bathrooms before it is impossible to do so after the shower screens go in.
Having baths everyday was so great in the beginning, after not having many over our long and awful drought, but it really does wear off after a while and, now, I am longing for a shower!
So, this morning, I have puttied the nail holes and siliconed the gaps so that they are dry and ready for painting as soon as I have finished blogging this morning!
That's a pretty good use of time is it not?
Here are just a few little snippets of other happenings.

These were flowers from my parents' garden which Dad brought with him last time he was here helping us out. I say "were" because they are all dead now but they were beautiful while they lasted!
I cut out a stack of my Matryoshkas last week. These are a simpler version, to the others I have for sale, and will be a bit cheaper - perfect for Christmas presents or stocking fillers!
I will be adding the "Christmas" section to the website again very soon - as soon as I have finished a few more "Christmassy" flavoured goodies!

And, I will post a few photos of the house at a later date when we have actually finished something!!!

I hope you have all backed a winner in the "Melbourne Cup" today?
I think I like the sound of "Roman Emperor" trained by Bart Cummings.
Not because he is trained by one of the world's leading horse trainers but, just because I like the name. How girly is that!!!
I will have to remember to put the paint brush down at 2pm and watch it.
If you have the day off today, enjoy it!
Kathryn. XX


Alison Gibbs said...

Hi kathryn, have fun painting. How wonderful it will be to be able to have a shower again. Amazing how we miss the things we always took for granted!!
Gorgeous creations

blushing rose said...

Oh, I love painting! You will share pics of this reno? Have a lovely day.
Pop over for our giveaway. TTFN ~ Marydon

S said...

I love baths too but yes, when you dont have one for awhile you really want one! :)

Beauiful flowers and I love your Matryoshkas.


Unknown said...

I picked Daffodil (the horse) because it's my favourite flower , you can tell I'm a big punter ! I think it's still running , lol !

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Busy you are! But not bored at least!
Enjoy all the fun of a shower again!