Thursday, February 11, 2010

Couch Potato.....

Now, this is what I needed last week when I was a couch potato and reading the "Twilight" books everyday! Our new lounge suite arrived yesterday after, what seemed like, a very long 3 month wait. We are so happy with how it all fits and goes with our colours. It is so squishy and comfy.
It is slowly coming together. Hubs finished the front of the fire place on the weekend too.
Now, if I can just get stuck into the painting and get it finished we could hang a few pictures too!
I have been working on this Matryoshka Doll Cushion recently too, to coincide with the pattern in Homespun. It will be available as a pattern from the website soon; that is when I get a chance to finish it, amongst everything else.
And, I have been working on a larger scale Doll too. I think I need to do the face again though as she seems to be a little "surprised" looking?
I finished recovering a lamp shade yesterday for an old lamp I picked up at the oppy for the bargain price on $12.95! I'll show you that one tomorrow.
Anyway, that's it for today.
Hope you all have a great day, Kathryn. XX


A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Good things come to those who wait eh?
How lovely will it be to sink into that couuch come winter with that lovely stone fireoplace roaring!!!
I am yet to get my copy of the mag....

ittybittyandpretty said...

ooohhh it does look comfy! we recently furnished our new room with a lovely ivory leather lounge very nice but wondering how long it will stay clean!
love the dolls!

Lindi said...

I love her face! She looks very open to having fun and meeting new friends. :)

Unknown said...

Ooooh nice lounge ! I've covered a few lampshades myself and I'm really hopeless at it , I admire people who can do it properly like you do .

Country Cottage Chic said...

what a lovely suite - looks very comfy.

Your dolls and cushions are gorgeous - so pleased I found your blog!


mamas collection said...

What a surprise! I figured your home all chintz and floral!
Leather does neutralize flounces, no?

S said...

Your new lounge looks so nice in your room and that fireplace is looking great too!


marie said...

The cushion is simply wonderful!! And she doesn't look surprised..she looks really happy!

Purple Pam said...

I like the surprised look. Congratulations on being published in the magazine. Does that mean I know a famous person?

Annie said...

I love your dolls, the faces are beautiful, do you sell the pattern? I love the wallhanging in "Homespun" it is my next "to do" project.

Unknown said...

Those cushions and dolls are lovely! I love the colors you often use in your creations. I love your photos! :)