"Thank you" to all those people who wished my husband and I "Happy Anniversary" on my last post. We really appreciate it!
We had a lovely time in Melbourne and enjoyed every moment. We did not stop though! First we headed out to IKEA in Richmond to get some ideas for our new house, had lunch, checked into the Hotel, headed off Bourke St. mall to DJ's,
( we had some vouchers from our credit card points - yeah!! Who would have thought it was so hard to spend $200 though!! We spent ages trying to decide. We ended up buying a pie maker and a few other bits and pieces for the new kitchen. We tried the pie maker on Sunday night and it is fantastic)
freshened up for dinner, had the most scrumpcious dinner you can imagine (buffet at the hotel), buffet breakfast, experienced the Art Deco exhibition at the Art Gallery of Victoria (fantastic) more shopping and then came home to two little boys who had missed us terribly.
They got over it when they saw we had bought them some treats....it's amazing what a bag of choccie frogs and some snakes can do !!
Anyway, these are few things that I have finished today. I love the way this wall hanging turned out. The fabric colours and the face are really pretty.
This one is made with some really beautiful Barefoot cameo roses fabric and moda polka dots.
Hugs, Kathryn. XX
There is an IKEA in Richmond!!!! Wow I have been away a long time!
So back to work huh? Holiday over...dont cha just hate that? LOL. Glad you guys had such a good time.
You are such a busy bee Kathryn, that sewing machine of yours must be in constant fast mode! I love your new pretties.
Oooh i have a pie maker too....LOVE IT.
I bet your boys gobbled up those frogs and snakes quick smart..YUMMO.Lucky ducks :)
Luv Shann x
Hi! Happy Anniversary!!! I just found you through Shannon! I love your blog and your work is GORGEOUS! I am so glad I found you :)
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